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Project |01


Project |01 Sandwich Book

Through our interactions with kids, parents, teachers, and health experts, we learned that kids simply aren’t engaging with their food.The solution that we identified was making food fun and interactive through a book.


By making food fun to engage with – we might be able to encourage healthy perceptions and attitudes about food, which are absolutely vital to eating regularly and sufficiently.

Project |02


Project |02 Story U

It became clear that eliminating the human interaction associated with hearing 30 million words would not prove to be an effective solution for our users, based on initial prototype testing. So, we instead focused on increasing the effectiveness of the time spent between parent and child. 


We designed Story U, a set of picture cards and question/word cards that would provide cues for parents who were not confident in their storytelling abilities.

Project |03


Project |03 Rachel Carson - Envi Sci


Project |04


Project |04 Open Mind School Designs


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